Installing updates to the Cloud C² Server

From time to time new versions of Cloud C² are released, and when published your server will check for over-the-air updates at login or server start. When available, these updates may be installed quickly and easily. For Linux and MacOS deployments, upgrades are automatic.

For Windows deployments, a new binary must be downloaded, replacing the existing.

You may notice at server start:

[*] Initializing Hak5 Cloud C2 v3.0.1
[*] Hostname:
[*] DB Path: c2.db
[*] Validating License
[*] License Valid
[*] Running Hak5 Cloud C2
[!] New C2 Server Update Available

Or upon login:

To apply the update, click the Update button.

The console will report the following information:

[!] Overseer update in progress, restarting
[*] Shutting down gracefully
[*] Server stopped
[*] Initializing Hak5 Cloud C2 v3.0.2
[*] Hostname:
[*] DB Path: c2.db
[*] Validating License
[*] License Valid
[*] Running Hak5 Cloud C2

The web session will logout, and upon login you will be greeted with the new version.

Last updated